The GOD-ly Quest

Kural – 702

One of the most famous intellectual reference to God is “GOD is a state of being”.This has multiple versions.

Consider the reference to ‘God‘, as a title in this blog. Interpretation about a God or the GOD is your choice. I intend to delve or detail upon a spiritual being in this reference.

My quest this time is to explore if Valluvam helps anyone today to know himself or herself.Though there are many methods, paths, gurus, psychometric systems, and apps that offer these insights, my humble trial is through the lens of Valluvam.

Lets see if Kural helps us to connect more; if this sound Cringe to you anymore.

Opinion Matters:

(My sincere thanks to my respected seniors who gave their feedback for last week’s blog. Based on your feedback, I shall stick to one Kural this time).

I speak to a considerable number of college students, these days.There is a visible trend of firmness or stubbornness in them. Generation by generation, you could see a sense of primitive belief about something getting stronger. Forming a very strong opinion about someone or a society happens quicker than their actual growth. At an young age they largely own their convictions. A conviction about success, failure, family, joy, and more.

The source of the method of the information or the system of their belief can be debatable. But I think one aspect is undebatable and that is their conviction. 

Let’s say each opinion or belief is built on three layers and I call it the KUE factor.

  • Knowing
  • Understanding
  • Experiencing

In an ideal scenario, an opinion about something should be shaped only at the third layer. But it need not be so fixed in a non-idealistic world.

Sticking to reality; the growth of social media is based on the first layer. Knowing about something is more than enough to create, express, like, share, and trend an opinion. In today’s world, the opinion of an influencer is the NEWS. We may conclude that knowing is enough to lead a successful, ‘Zepto-inspired’ life(10mins delivery), today.

Let us call this survival. So ‘Knowing’ how to survive is the basic tip for everyday life.

Do you know thy KNOW?

Know thyself - Kural - DNA Astrology

‘Know thyself ‘ is a famous Greek saying (from their famous religious text). You can read famous philosophers to gain more knowledge on this ‘KNOW’.

If you aim to grow more at that level, that is to understand something or someone in depth before making that opinion, then you move to the second level – Living. For this level you need to touch the second layer, that is U in KUE (Understanding).

Layer 3 has more to do with Thriving in a life full of energy, that is ‘E’ – Experiencing.

We will adhere to layer2-level2 and here we get a cue from Valluvar. He adds a degree of clarity to this level of “U” and his kural refers to it as an understanding without an iota of doubt.

Kural – 702 in குறிப்பறிதல் ,

ஐயப் படாஅது அகத்தது உணர்வானைத்
தெய்வத்தோ டொப்பக் கொளல்.

aiyap paṭā’atu akattatu uṇarvāṉait
teyvattō ṭoppak koḷal.

One will be considered equivalent to God who can ascertain without a doubt what is within them.

KUE-Q chat

Regardless of your beliefs, try an experiment. Ask someone at the age of 12-25 about their opinion of God. Their responses might surprise you.

For easy reference, you can call this as KUE-Q chat. Avoid any point of arguments and just observe their views. Do share those experiences in this blog’s comment box.

The focus point here is to bring oneself to the level of understanding most aspects of life, if not all aspects of life. If K and U are taken care of, life by itself will lead you to ample sets of E or Experience.

Kue - Kural - DNA Astrology

On the other sense if you are equipped enough to sustain at the levels of survival and living, thriving will naturally set in.It is at this level that Valluvar quotes, “Theyvaththo Toppak Kolal” – Consider equivalent to God.

The Science of ‘BEING’:

The state of being - Kural - DNA Astrology

There is a famous branch of brain science that I recently learned about – Neurotheology. Efforts for this study had started way back in the 1960s and for some reason all famous science studies branchout only from the USA. Interestingly, the foundational experiments for this branch of science were initiated with some Yogis in India that is Bharat, and their real-life experiences. The surprise factor here is that these studies have a reverence for both science and religion.Let us call this the God Science.

Every experiment gives an inference and these lead to some texts and explanations.

Explanations change every time for every instance that gifts a new understanding, but eternal questions and the ‘Truth’ remains. That holds the essence of K & U but with no doubts.

Remembering that famous quote, “GOD is a state of being”.

What are you doing to become that ‘BEING’?

4 responses to “Kural–The ‘NOCringe’ Connect:2”

  1. S.K. Arun Avatar
    S.K. Arun

    Excellent write-up Arvind..loved the KUE part and laughed out with the comparison of Zepto lifestyle..

    1. Aravind Bharathi Avatar
      Aravind Bharathi

      Thanks much Arun

  2. Thirunavukarasu.G Avatar

    தங்களின் தமிழ் புலமை
    தமிழால் எங்கள் உள்ளத்தினுள் புகுந்து ஆட்கொள்ளும் விதம்
    மிக மிக .அருமை வாழ்க உங்கள் புலமை
    தொடர்க தங்களின் பணி

    1. Aravind Bharathi Avatar
      Aravind Bharathi

      நன்றி திருநாவுக்கரசு ஐயா!

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