My heartfelt gratitude to for providing this platform to voice my experiences.
Have you read the write-up on happiness? If not, check it out here – Happiness is a habit.
The author includes a table describing problems in life. Boxes 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d , 2a, 3b, 4b applied to my life.
Haha. To unknowingly walk in circles. Grace was with me even during these times. Just that I didn’t know. I didn’t know I should look. Didn’t know where to look or what to look for.
Today, this ‘vengayam’ understands that life is an ally. It is the mind that considers a situation as good or bad or ugly. Life continues to take me up & down. However, that’s life being life. One needs to stay in awareness to be able to respond and not just react to situations. When I stay in the moment with awareness, I feel happy with my response. And when I don’t stay in awareness, I get carried away by the emotion. That’s the human part of me. Regardless, chanting Sairam or Yogi Ram or focusing on my breath helps handle fear.
Why ‘vengayam’?
Typically, we chop or grind or slice onions/’vengayam’. We don’t peel them layer by layer. Journey to self-realization feels like peeling an onion. Peeling a layer makes me cry. After a lot of crying, the clarity of mind which gets revealed is worth it. It gives me strength to start on the next layer. Please remember this is an analogy that this ‘vengayam’ has come up with. The journey is not a linear process at all. Often, a layer that I assumed I have processed comes up via different situations in the physical world. And sometimes from the subconscious layers too. I don’t know if it ever gets done.
I bet you have heard of Swamy Raghavendra. This ‘vengayam’ failed to identify Swamy Raghavendra gave a darshan. ‘Vengayam Vengayam’.Interested to read about that experience? Click on Rayar.
“Sharing my journey from blind faith to atheism to knowing on Of Course, ‘knowing’ will always be a learning curve.”
Here’s a list of my blogs. Click on the topic that resonates with you.
- Darshan of Swami Raghavendra
- Darshan of dark green hued Devi
- Can death point to life?
- Single pointed focus
- Mental therapy
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