The front and rear legs of a horse help each other to run fast. They are interdependent and united. They work together to propel the horse forward. In the same way, life is a journey that we can accomplish more easily by partnering with others who pursue the same goals. It all depends on the effectiveness of relationship and it’s psychology with which we all maintain matters the most…Before we dive in, let’s try to understand the meaning of Relationship and Psychology


It is defined as the way two or more people are connected or the way they behave toward each other in general terms.

It is also defined as a continuing and often committed associated between two or more people as in FAMILY,  FRIENDSHIP , MARRIAGE , PARTNERSHIP OR OTHER INTERPERSONAL LINK in which the participants have some degree of influence on each others thoughts, feelings and actions.


It is defined as scientific study of the mind and the way that people behave. It is also defined as mental or behavioral characteristics of an individual or group.


If we are able to establish a relationship with someone and continue maintaining it smoothly we are called as “Relationship Psychologists”. 

Relationship establishment is easy, however, to maintain the same is difficult. If we are unable to maintain relationship, it means that the “relationship psychology” hasn’t got established correctly.  This leads to frequent break ups in relationship, which we see prevailing in the society today, especially with youngsters.

Having understood about the definition of relationship, we need to know how to overcome it, in order to establish and maintain a smooth cordial relationship with others, for living a better enjoyable life.


A happy child depicting child hood. DNA Astrology. Relationship. Psychology.

Child Hood – Behaving like a child

Adult Hood – Behaving like an Adult

Adult Hood. DNA Astrology. Relationship. Psychology.
Parent hood. DNA Astrology. Relationship. Psychology.

Parent Hood – Behaving like a Parent

We all have above three types of behavior inherited in us as we grew by having learnt many relationship factors from our parents, siblings, relatives, friends, business partners and colleagues in office or industry.  We exhibit all three types of behavior when we are in relationship to continue for day to day life and survival. 

However, we do not know when and where to show which behavior. 

This is the reason why relationship breaks. We lack the knowledge to apply these behavior in the right context. We end up in applying the wrong behavior in the wrong context and suffer from our own actions, as a consequence.


Husband vs wife,  parents vs children,  children vs teachers,  subordinates vs bosses, leaders vs followers, owner vs labour etc .  We already knew the above relationship is very important and required to subsist in order for mutual smooth sailing in life.


If there is over-expectation or under-estimation in any relationship, strained relationship is a natural outcome.   Moreover, most of us human beings tend to become judgmental over others thoughts’ and actions’. This is the main cause of strained relationship.

Strained relationship. DNA Astrology. Relationship. Psychology.

This needs to be changed.  How..?    Three simple tips are mentioned below:

  1. Accepting the people as they are (as far as their characteristics are concerned)
  2. Never be a judgmental over others’ views, thoughts, action and feelings
  3. If the wavelength is not found matching, it is better to say part off smoothly with a “bye” rather than dragging on with a strained relationship. Or learn to accept and live with it as per point one.

The blog post Talk Sweetly, Talk Gently by Sb Gita is a good read in this context.

When we need to exhibit the following types of behavior

Here are some simple tips to maintain good relationship with kith and kin:

  1. Child hood – When we are having no knowledge about the topic of discussion, we should acknowledge and accept the same instead of arguing unnecessarily. A child’s innocence, open mind and it’s learning ability is a living proof of this behavior.
  2. Adult hood – When we mastered some topic and we have sufficient knowledge on it, we should not exhibit arrogance to those who are still learning. Rather, we should guide them gently and show them the right path.
  3. Parent hood – We should exhibit matured behavior always instead of finding fault and blaming others always. We should develop tolerance and compassion to others and learn to empathize and see from their point of view. It helps tremendously in maintaining a smooth relationship.


Acceptance. DNA Astrology.
  • Understanding ourselves will lead us to know precisely about the  behavior pattern, thoughts, action and emotional display of others easily. The blog on kural by Aravind Bharathi is quite apt here.
  • Secondly accepting people as they are, as we can neither change themselves nor ourselves. This again is emphasized in the blog by Sb Gita on Happiness is a habit.
  • Next is to establish the appropriate behavior pattern at the right situation with the right person we are interacting with.
  • In order to know more about this, DNA astrology karma concepts comes handy. To know more about karma, please read this blog. DNA Astrology helps us in knowing which relationships may suffer and which type of people may not go well with us. This naturally helps in having a smooth sailing of life both materially and spiritually. Once you are familiar with your own karma then the way you respond to situations may take a paradigm shift towards the better!


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