In continuation to my previous post on noble qualities -part 1, here we discuss on certain negative emotions we must overcome – anger and jealousy

3. Overcome negative emotions – Anger and Jealousy


I read somewhere on anger, as to why does one shout when angry. I loved the narrative which had a logical reasoning behind. It said, when two people are angry with each other, almost immediately a huge distance is created between them. Their hearts are no longer closer, despite standing next to each other. They start shouting so that they are heard and they believe shouting is the only way to be heard. And have we not seen that, in matters of love, the lovers whisper to each other? Applying the same logic, their hearts are so close to each other that they can feel the real proximity to each other, hence the whisper! In fact, even if the lovers are miles apart, they can understand the other intuitively without even a word spoken. What a wonderful fact!

Impact of Anger

Anger is a very negative emotion, because it is impulsive and we lose control of what we speak or do when angry. Wrong words spoken is like spilt milk, you can’t collect it back into the jar. They may appear to be healed over time, but they are actually irreparable, leaves a permanent scar. It creates a huge distance between the relationships.

Two babies depicting anger and jealousy

3 responses to “Noble Qualities – Part 2”

  1. Saravanakumar P Avatar
    Saravanakumar P

    சிறப்பு 👌💐💐

    1. Geetha Avatar

      Thank you

  2. Priyadharshini Avatar

    Very true

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