I hope you enjoyed reading the previous story on karma – Theory of Karma – 1

Here is the next law of karma, narrated through a gripping short story:

For those who would prefer to listen to the story in tamil, you can play the audio below:

Our sincere thanks to Mrs Sudha Natarajan, Madipakkam, Chennai for translating the story into tamil language and also narrating the story (as audio)!

The saint encounters dacoits in the jungle

The saint continued his travels and eventually found himself amidst a jungle. There, he observed a couple of dacoits attacking passersby and stealing their belongings. One of the dacoits noticed the saint, perceiving him as a wealthy man adorned with expensive clothes, jewellery, and a bag full of gems.

The dacoit rushed to stop and steal from the saint but found himself frozen in the saint’s presence. The dacoit was completely healed as the saint touched him, and his past and present karmic secrets were revealed. Annoyed at his friend’s hesitation, the other dacoit leapt from a tree to attack the saint. However, the saint remained calm, which only further frustrated the dacoit leader. Unable to harm the saint, the leader became confused about his next course of action.

Locking eyes with the dacoit leader, the saint transmitted the pain experienced by all those attacked by the dacoit. Overwhelmed by this shared suffering, the dacoits begged for mercy, falling at the saint’s feet.

The saint counsels the dacoits

The saint, in turn, offered him counsel on the laws of karma, emphasizing that life doesn’t happen by itself; it’s up to us to shape it.

He explained that the dacoits had experienced suffering due to his past bad deeds like hurting others mentally and physically and even resorting to cold-blooded murder, for the sake of money. Thereby you have incurred their wrath which created bad karmic imprints in you in the form of Moon karma, Mars karma and Rahu karma.

“There is only one solution to overcome these karma. It is by ensuring that people can cross this forest without any fear, and by protecting them from wild animals and dacoits. This would create positive karma that could counter the influence of the negative karmic imprints in you both”, blessed the saint and continued his journey.

The dacoits take control of their lives

Repenting their past deeds, the dacoits transformed themselves into better citizens. They spent the rest of their lives earning their livelihood by cutting wood, protecting and guiding the people to cross the forest thereafter.

They realized that life doesn’t happen all by itself, it is we who make it happen. Once we start realizing our past karmic deeds, we have to take corrective steps to counter those bad deeds and thereby improve our lives with patience and perseverance.

A moment to reflect

Just as the dacoits were made to realize their past deeds, our own life experiences, acts as the saint, and teach us every day.

If we don’t learn from these experiences, they tend to repeat until we do, wouldn’t you agree?”

Dear Readers, I hope you enjoyed this short story. Please do leave your feedback and also your life experiences for others to learn from. Let’s start learning from each other’s experiences and make this world a better place to live in!

2 responses to “Theory of Karma – 2: Life doesn’t happen by itself; we should make it happen.”

  1. Geetha Avatar

    Wonderful way of explaining the karma and the remedies. The narrative in English and the tamil audio podcast is awesome. Thank you. Looking forward to more Anitha and Sudha mam

    1. Anitha Thanigaivelan Avatar
      Anitha Thanigaivelan

      Thankyou so much for your valuable feedback ma’am, looking for your support and motivation. 🙏

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