I wanted to share this post on the eve of Guru Purnima and as usual my procrastination and some personal challenges led to me do so, much after the date. Well, every day is a Guru Purnima if we truly live the teachings of our Guru to the “T”, so that’s my excuse for not publishing this on time!.

It is seven long years since my Guru shed his mortal coil and till now no day goes without reminiscing the wonderful times we travelled together. Well, who is a Guru? How do we find our Guru? How do we know if someone is fake or real Guru? Many of us would have experienced this feeling of “doubt” in finding a Guru and after finding a Guru we constantly ponder whether he or she is right or not. This post is to narrate my experience and not intended to be any preaching or advice to seekers. Please read on if you are still curious….just kidding 😊

Guru Purnima is celebrated on a full moon day and just as full moon dispels all darkness, a true Guru dispels all your darkness and impurities and lights up the soul. A guru’s touch can provide deep and irreversible transformation. The moon light is so soothing and cool as against the rays of the sun which are piercing and hot. Like the cool moon, the Guru radiates love, energy, wisdom and care, accepts you as you are and slowly transforms you into a better evolved being, spiritually and emotionally.

In my experience, the Guru finds you and it is not the other way around. If your seeking is genuine and intentions are pure, nature manifests with a Guru at the appropriate time when you are ready to receive. Until then all we can do is wait it out with faith. After disappointments in finding a real Guru, after some unpleasant experiences in finding the right Guru, I just gave up the search and stuck to my devotion and faith and kept doing the right things, the Guru just manifested out of the blue. My Guru said, “ when you tread the path sincerely with truth and faith, there is no other option but to manifest a Guru in your life”

In the presence of a true Guru, you will feel loved, energized, blissful, peaceful. If you are feeling agitated, angry or hurt, time to re-think ; it can either be that the Guru is fake or you are not yet ready. Is that all you may ask? We may intermittently feel good, so how to figure out? It takes time to understand. No point in hastening this process as a Guru-disciple bond is built on trust and once the bond is established, it is eternal. Take your time. Do not accept someone who curbs your questions or makes you feel insecure or stupid. Also, do not make any attempt to surrender without a choice, thinking that is the way to be. Faking surrender will never help.

Complete Surrender. Guru Purnima

Surrender has to happen “from within” automatically and cannot be forced. It is not like a vacation that you can plan!. Surrender just happens in the presence of a genuine master. Once done it cannot be reversed. Then He/She becomes the eternal light that will shine in your life guiding you in every step. Getting a right master does not mean that you will not have problems or pitfalls anymore, it only means that you will have the guidance and strength to stride through the pitfalls. In fact in my experience I had more pitfalls but the pain from the falls were much lesser.

My Guru often said, one cannot fill a full cup. Empty yourself and be ready to receive the teachings, only then the He will be able to our cup with love and wisdom. Easier said than done! I believe that even emptying oneself is not an action that we can attempt on our own, we need the Grace of the Guru, His / Her compassionate glance is required for us to empty ourselves, shed our mental afflictions, conditioning to be able to receive. It is like the network signal in our mobiles, if the instrument cannot receive signal, then you don’t get the call!

Once you find a Guru who walks the path he preaches, in the presence of whom you feel unconditional love and divinity, whose teachings transforms you, then do let go of Him / Her. Just hold on there because each moment in their presence takes you higher and higher. You will evolve spiritually, mentally, emotionally. Personally my experience with my Guru has been an irreversible transformation and yet there is a long long way to go but one thing am sure is that my cool moon, my dear Guru is illuminating the path.

For those who do not know who my Guru is..My Guru is Shri Chandrasekar Nagarajan, a direct disciple of Kaviyogi Sri Shuddanandha Bharathi and an ardent devotee who has met many great masters including Kanchi Mahaperiyava, Swami Sathya Sai Baba, Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Sadguru Sri Gyanananda Giri Swami, Sri Bhoomananda Theerthaand many more mahaans. I was blessed to know him and receive his wisdom and love for about 7 years.

“Guruve Unnai Nesikkiren, un karunaiyinaal dhaan swaasikkiren” – Oh Guru I love you and I breathe because of your grace!

In the memory of my Guru and describing the emotions that I experienced before and after his arrival in my life, I penned a song with His Grace (am definitely not a poet, it just happened with His Grace!). The song was written in Tamil (my mother tongue) and can be universally applied to any Guru. I believe that Guru is not merely a form, but a “thathvam” i.e a principle.

My Guru always maintained a very low profile and never wanted to be seen or known as a Guru. Dedicating this song to my dear Guru Shri Chandrasekar and my dear Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Here you go..

Guruve Unnai Nesikkiren”. Written and sung by myself and the music by Sri Sanjay Manickam, a budding music director in Tamil film industry. The description in the you tube has the translation and meaning in English for those who do not understand Tamil.

Some may not have a Guru in physical form and may not see the need for it. Yes that’s absolutely fine, for those whose seeking is true, God himself guides them intuitively and subtly. Blessed I am to have a Guru who introduced me to many Masters like Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba and Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar and Ma Devaki who are guiding me in my spiritual journey.

See you soon in my next post!

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