In the story “Oru Thaai Ninaithaal,” Babu was unable to hold a permanent job in any place. The reason was that he felt his dignity was compromised at work. In some places, the employers exploited him by making him work excessively without paying him a fair wage. Because of this, he felt that no job was suitable for him. At one point, he decided that he should start his own business and quit his job, staying at home instead.

His mother, understanding his feelings, gently spoke with him, gradually learning about his preferences. She guided him with love, never pushing him away, and ultimately helped him lead a prosperous life.

Unlike Babu, who lacked a favorable astrological alignment, Babu’s younger brother completed his studies, secured a good job, bought his own house, and was ready for marriage. Seeing his brother’s progress, their father would often scold Babu. However, after observing Babu’s efforts, his progress, and his discipline and respect, the father came to understand Babu better. He even appreciated and encouraged Babu’s work as a mechanic.

In this story, Babu’s life was significantly influenced by Mars karma. Additionally, his profession was governed by the karmic influence of Saturn, which ruled over his career-related star. As a result, he was never satisfied with any job, and he did not receive wages that matched his hard work.

In any household where a child is born under the stars Karthigai, Pooram, Moolam, or Revathi as either their zodiac star, or the star where the Lagna point or Lagna lord resides, it indicates that the child is born with Mars karma. Furthermore, if the child’s career house is aligned with Saturn karma, their life will only be successful if they pursue self-employment. This is a rare discovery according to DNA research. Although Babu’s mother had no knowledge of this DNA understanding, she was guided by her inner intuition to help her son. As a result, through Karan, she fulfilled this intention. Thanks to Karan’s assistance, Babu’s life became prosperous. Thank you.

Are you curious to know more about Karma – Know karma in very simple terms here

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