This story revolves around Poornima and Chandru, a couple in love who get married. They have a two-year-old son, Hari. As they lack anyone to care for him, they enroll him in a daycare center and head to work each day.
Arrival of the Neighbourly Aunt
A new family moves next door, and the lady of the house takes care of Hari lovingly until he turns five. The boy grows up in a nurturing and disciplined environment under her care. However, as her own children—her son and daughter—were abroad, she could no longer look after Hari. Her son decided to settle in Chennai and wished to have his parents live with him, so she had to move away.
Poornima Employs Jaya
After discussing with Chandru the idea of inviting his parents to live with them, Poornima changes her mind following advice from friends not to have in-laws at home. Instead, she hires Jaya, a domestic worker, through her friends’ suggestion.
Jaya’s Abuse of the Child
Despite Chandru’s disapproval, Poornima hires Jaya with a salary of ₹20,000, also providing food for Jaya and her three-year-old daughter. A few months later, Jaya takes over cooking duties and is paid ₹25,000.
Removing Hari from School
One day, the school summons Poornima and Chandru with shocking news. Hari had developed a habit of stealing. He was caught taking items from his classmates and handing them to another girl, telling her, “Keep these for yourself.” The girl brought the stolen items home, and her mother reported it to the school. When confronted, Hari confessed. The school decided to expel him and issue a transfer certificate.
Discovering Jaya’s Theft
One day, Poornima decides not to go to the office and returns home at 5:30 p.m. Peeking through the keyhole, she observes Jaya giving household items to her three-year-old daughter, saying, “Keep these for yourself,” and packing them into a bag as toys. Alarmed, Poornima rings the doorbell. Jaya hurriedly hides the items, pretending to scold her child.
Poornima orders Jaya to leave. Jaya grabs her bag and prepares to leave. When questioned, Jaya claims the bag contains toys for her child. Poornima demands to see the contents and discovers stolen household items. At that moment, Hari emerges from another room and says, “Mom always tells her daughter to take these things and keep them in the bag. Why did you spill everything?” He picks up the items and places them back in the bag.
Poornima realizes that Hari, unaware of the concept of stealing, must have done something similar at school, leading to his expulsion. She immediately dismisses Jaya.
Hari’s Grandparents Take Over
Hari thrives under the care and affection of his grandparents. They instill good values and discipline in him. When they visit the school to collect his transfer certificate, the school trustee challenges Hari with a test. He observes Hari returning a misplaced item, proving his honesty and good values.
Impressed by this, the trustee asks Hari if he wants to continue studying at the school. Hari, however, declines, explaining, “If I stay in the same place where I was once judged as a wrongdoer, I might always be suspected of wrongdoing in the future. I prefer to chart a new path.” He credits his grandmother for teaching him this wisdom, inspired by moral stories she shared.
Poornima and Chandru leave the school with their heads held high, proud of their son.
Hari’s Success and Return
Hari enrolls in a new school, excels in his studies, and eventually becomes an IAS officer. Years later, he is invited back to his old school as a guest of honor. During his speech, he emphasizes the importance of a loving family in a child’s upbringing. He urges parents to provide their children with not just material possessions but also the care and attention of their grandparents, highlighting the benefits of growing up in a nurturing environment.
The Role of Guru Karma
Hari’s upbringing reflects the influence of Guru Karma. During his time with the neighborly aunt, the positive vibrations of Guru Karma shaped his character. However, Poornima’s stubbornness and reliance on Jaya invited the negative influence of Rahu Karma, manifesting as theft and trouble in their lives. Ultimately, his grandparents’ guidance restored the positive influence of Guru Karma, enabling Hari to excel in life.
What we teach children leaves a lasting impression on their minds. Like a nail driven into a green tree that becomes a part of it without leaving cracks, good habits and values imparted during childhood will stay with them forever. Parents have a duty to raise their children in a positive and nurturing environment, as these early lessons will benefit them throughout their lives.
Thank you.
For a more generic understanding of Karma, please read this.
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