Bagirathi Paatti says that only a mother has the skill to guess what girls think when they are getting married and how they expect their life partner to be, and she explains this to a couple who had come there through a story.
The story Paatti told about marriage.
A father who, after working in the military and retiring, was as strict and fast-paced at home as he was there. He had a nature of getting angry at everything and the thought that he alone should decide everything. Such a person looks for a groom for his daughter according to his own wishes.
His daughter was no less than him; she too was hot-tempered and particular about cleanliness in everything. When they started looking for a groom for her, she told her father that the boy should be well-educated, have a good job, a handful of salary, and own a house, listing out her demands one after another.
As soon as he decided to find a groom for his daughter, a thought arose in his mind that it would be nice if a boy he meets every day at the temple could become his son-in-law, and he expects this. He also inquires about him, and the temple priest tells him all the details about the boy. At that time, he gives his daughter’s horoscope to the priest and asks him to get the boy’s horoscope, match them, and let him know.
Since the priest knows how to match horoscopes, he compares the boy’s horoscope with the girl’s and finds that they match well, and then informs both families about this. Both agree that they can proceed with the talks.
The girl-seeing ceremony.
The father first meets the boy and also speaks with his parents before returning. The next day, he takes the mother along, and the mother notices something—due to a flaw in the boy’s father’s face, she thinks her daughter definitely won’t fit in and live here. But the father makes arrangements for the girl-seeing.
When the groom’s family arrives, she likes the boy. At the same time, when she sees the boy’s father, she slightly grimaces, and her mother notices the change in her face. But she manages it and agrees to speak with the boy privately.
The boy says, “My mother and father are important to me. I was born to them ten years after their marriage. They’ve grown old, so they will live with me in the house I built until their last days. For no reason, not even for work, will I go abroad, and under no circumstances will I live separately. If you agree to this, I will marry you.”
He also says, “If you have any wishes like mine, feel free to tell me,” and she says he should keep her happy, take good care of her, and that she will continue going to work. He says she can freely go to work and agrees to the marriage.
Engagement arrangements.
They fix a date for the engagement, and her mother asks, “Are you really willing to live here after marriage, or do you think you’ll move out separately after some time?” She says, “No such thing, I agree wholeheartedly.”
Then her husband says it’s a good place, a well-off family, how long will his father live anyway, and with a good job in a company and a palace-like house of his own, they shouldn’t let go of this place. She still had a big expectation in her mind.
The boy had arranged the engagement at the house he had bought himself, and she goes to the engagement eagerly. She is amazed seeing the house. The engagement happens, and within a few days, the wedding takes place nicely too.
The flaw in the father’s face.
They say that when an eclipse happens, pregnant women should sit safely in a dark room and, for no reason, should not tear paper, break a stick, or pluck a splinter. They should remain with divine thoughts until the eclipse ends.
If they unknowingly make some mistake, it could cause some defect in the child in the womb. Some children are born with their upper lip split and joined to the nose, which looks unsightly.
In those days, there were no medical methods or facilities for this, but now, if such a defect occurs, they fix it to make it look beautiful.
Some children are called “eclipse babies,” and they have fingers on their hands stuck together like droplets. These problems happen due to mistakes made unknowingly, and such an effect from an eclipse was present in his father.
The daughter who went to her in-laws’ house.
After going to her in-laws’ house, she has to spend more time looking at her father-in-law. Also, since her mother-in-law is very dark-skinned, she feels aversion in her mind.
Her husband takes good care of her. At the same time, her mother-in-law and father-in-law treat her even better than their own daughter. But due to her lack of patience, along with her temper and haste, she torments them with venomous words.
The mother softly tells her son, “We’re thinking of going to live in the village house, your father and I. You two young ones live happily,” and he guesses something is wrong at home because when he bought this house, his mother had said, “It’s our wish to live with you in this house until the end,” but now he wonders why this change.
The next day being Saturday, a holiday, he says he’s going out and will be back, but returns soon and finds his wife tearing into his parents with venomous words. Immediately, he packs all her clothes in a suitcase, takes her to her parents’ house, and hands her over to them.
Her life at her parents’ house.
The groom says, “Your daughter can stay here from now on,” and leaves her there. At the same time, when they ask the girl, she says, “I can’t stay there even for a minute more. I can’t bear to look at my father-in-law, and in a little while, he’ll come take me back.”
The mother says, “Before the marriage, he asked if you’d agree to his parents living with him, and you married him. Isn’t the way you’re behaving now a betrayal of trust?” She remains unmoved by anything. A month passes.
When they go to the groom’s family with sweets to tell them the daughter is pregnant, they both rejoice, and the groom, though happy, acts like it’s not a big deal. When they say, “Bring your daughter-in-law back,” he says, “She’s not mature enough yet, and now isn’t the time,” and leaves it at that.
The baby shower happens at her parents’ house too. Then they tell the groom, “No matter how angry you are, she’s pregnant and about to give birth, which is like a second birth, so come see her often,” and he says, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” and leaves.
The grandson born like the grandfather.
Every time he came to see his wife, he kept saying, “Always stay with divine thoughts, think only good things.” Her mother too said, “Stay with good thoughts, think of good things, and keep divine thoughts.” She nodded to everything, but what she thought in her mind, she realized during her delivery.
During delivery, she asked for her husband to be with her, and he agreed and stayed by her side. The baby was born, and when the doctor showed her the baby, she was shocked because the baby was born looking exactly like her father-in-law.
When the nurse gave the baby to the girl’s mother, she too was shocked. But the groom’s family was overjoyed because the groom took pride in the fact that his son was born looking like his father.
The mother understood it well. The reason was that her daughter had thought of her father-in-law as an enemy, believing he was the reason her life had turned out this way, and because she thought of this every day, God had taught her this lesson.
The daughter whose mind changed.
When she regained consciousness, she asked her mother, “Why was my child born like this? There wasn’t any eclipse during this time,” and the mother said, “Whatever we keep thinking about all the time, God places that in our hands.”
Then the daughter said, “It’s true. Every day, I suffered thinking about my husband. I thought it was because of my father-in-law that I couldn’t live with my husband, and that he was the reason my life turned out this way,” and she cried.
The husband said, “Don’t worry, medical science has advanced a lot now, and this flaw can easily be corrected.” He also said, “Don’t hate anyone. If there’s hatred in your mind for someone, when you think of good things about them one after another, that hatred will disappear,” and he consoled her.

Having changed her mind, she asked forgiveness from her father-in-law and mother-in-law. Then, going to her in-laws’ house, she became one with that family. The one she said she didn’t like, she began sitting with him, asking him to sing hymns and listening to them. After that, her life became full of happiness. She raised the child well.
The karmas of this story.
Bagirathi Paatti, who understands DNA, explains the karmas in this story.
Her father primarily has Mars karma. The girl too has Mars karma, which is why she stubbornly expected a groom to be just as she wanted.
Because she kept the groom’s father in mind and didn’t stop the marriage but changed her mind, deciding he was a good, handsome boy, that’s why the marriage happened.
Due to the negative vibrations of Mars karma, she ruined her own life by spewing venomous words from her mouth.
More karmas.
Because the husband took good care of his wife, Venus karma was sending good vibrations in that family.
Due to the negative vibrations of Saturn karma, she saw her father-in-law as unsightly, targeted her mother-in-law’s color, and hurt both their feelings.
Moon karma was sending good vibrations in that family, which is why, no matter how venomous her words were, they didn’t hold it in their hearts and treated her like their own daughter.
Jupiter karma was continuously sending good vibrations in that family, which is why her husband treated his parents as more than divine and took care of them safely. It was because of the good vibrations of that Jupiter karma that the matter of a grandson came about quickly in that family.
Finally, because of the good vibrations of Mars karma in that family, she sits with her father-in-law, listens to hymns, and talks with him.
Paatti takes leave of everyone and departs.
Om Shri Ganesarpanam.
To get a better understanding of karma, please read this
You can read more stories on karma by clicking this link
Or, if you would like to get a more broader perspective of karma and how it is related to the universal consciousness, Brahmam, please read this article
If you would like to know more about DNA astrology, please read this article
If you would like to know what karma you have, please use the DNA software here or simple search for DNA Software in Google or type in your browser
Guidelines for using the DNA Astrology software is here
S.Sampoornam J.Muthukrishnan
Good thoughts and good vibrations really will reflect in our life .very nice story .well said
Sudha Natarajan
வணக்கம். உங்கள் கருத்துக்களுக்கு மிக்க நன்றி. ஒவ்வொரு பதிவிற்கும் உங்களுடைய கருத்துக்கள் எங்களை வந்து அடையும் பொழுது மேலும் நல்ல பதிவுகளைக் கொடுக்க வேண்டும் என்கின்ற ஆவல் உள்ளது அதற்கு மிக்க மிக்க நன்றி.