This is the account that Bhagirathi Paatti narrated when people asked her about the greatness of Annadanam (the act of giving food). Paatti says that when you mix jaggery with the rice flour available at home and place it in one spot, the merit of providing food to as many people as the number of ants that eat it will be attained.

A true incident narrated by Paatti.

As an example of how Annadanam happens in our daily lives, Paatti began to narrate the story of Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s family as an illustration.

Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar was born as the eldest daughter of Venkatramayyar and Kamatchi Ammal, hailing from Thiruvidaimarudur. At the age of sixteen, she lost her mother. She took on the responsibility of raising her two younger brothers and three younger sisters.

Their father worked in the temple kitchen. His job was to prepare offerings for the deity. Supporting Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar was her father’s sister, who, having lost her husband, sought refuge in this family with her two children. She was the one who stood by them, nurturing these children like a mother.

At the age of twenty-five, Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar was married to Gurumoorthy Iyer, who was born as the third son of Natarajayyar and Valambal, a couple from Nagapattinam.

Their life in Nagapattinam.

Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar, who had been the authoritative figure in her own home, lived as a silent woman in the joint family. In that household, the eldest brother’s wife was the one who took care of all the cooking. The other two daughters-in-law handled the outside chores.

Her husband would leave for work in the morning and return only at night. He had no thoughts about his wife because he trusted that his brothers and sisters-in-law would take care of her. They indeed looked after this Ammaiyar very well.

After the birth of two boys and one girl, Gurumoorthy Iyer slowly took on family responsibilities and began living separately.

Later, another girl was born. Thus, they had two boys and two girls. Gurumoorthy Iyer received one of the three houses his father had earned as his share and started his life there. The fourth child, being in the military, did not take any share of the property, as the three siblings took it upon themselves to care for their mother.

Growth of the children.

All four children grew up. Gurumoorthy Iyer sent the eldest child to his younger brother, who had retired from the military and joined another job, asking him to find some work for the child and ensure his safety.

The next child, like his father, joined the electricity board. The two daughters were married off one after the other. The elder daughter was married within Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s family, while the younger one was married outside. Both daughters settled in other towns. The families they married into were honest, upright, and truthful, and the reason for this was solely Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s hospitality—this is the truth.

Whoever came to Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s house, she would welcome them with a warm face, treat them kindly, feed them, and send them off. This habit continued to bring good events one after another to that family.

Next, the two sons were married. The elder son continued his life in another town. The second son began living with his mother and father. His children had the fortune of growing up with their grandparents.

Marriages arranged by the children for their parents.

Grandchildren were born. Later, their marriages were also completed. The time came to see great-grandchildren as well. The children performed the sixtieth, seventieth, and eightieth wedding anniversaries for their parents one after another.

Gurumoorthy Iyer fell victim to the deadly disease called Corona. The second son kept both his mother and father in separate rooms and cared for them diligently. Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar feared that she might pass away alone without any relatives nearby.

After suffering from this deadly disease for a month, Gurumoorthy Iyer drank a sip of milk from his wife’s hand before departing this earth for the heavens. Such an affectionate couple they were, living together harmoniously.

After her husband’s demise, Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar began to feel lonely. This mother, who had cooked and served food with her own hands until her husband’s final days, now sat quietly, and because of that, many thoughts started swirling in her mind.

Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s wish.

Feeling the sting of loneliness, Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar longed to go to her eldest son. However, since it was a cold region, her son didn’t permit it and instead arranged for her to stay with her daughters for a while. Unsatisfied, this Ammaiyar stubbornly insisted on going to her son.

Arrangements were made for her to go to her son. At the same time, she fainted and fell, yet she insisted that going to her son was her last wish. She asked her daughter-in-law not to tell her second son about the fall. Medicine was given for the pain from the fall, and she was sent to her eldest son.

Fearing that she had come too far and that if something happened to her there, she might have to leave this earth like an orphan without relatives around, she became anxious, and her natural functions began to fail uncontrollably. Immediately, she was brought back to her own place.

Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s final days.

Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar spent four months bedridden and was admitted to the hospital due to a urinary infection. She was admitted to the hospital on the evening of 03-02-2025 and departed this earth for the heavens on the morning of 05-02-2025.

The holy day she left was the time of Shyamala Navratri, the auspicious Uttarayana period, and the day after Ratha Saptami, when Lord Surya’s chariot turns, known as Bhishmashtami—a virtuous day on which this mother left this earth.

All the sinful karma Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar brought with her, she easily surpassed, and through the greatness of the hospitality and Annadanam she practiced in her lifetime, she and her family received a lofty blessing. The fact that she spent four months bedridden faded away, and this virtuous woman departed this earth on a holy, auspicious day—this is what her relatives spoke of in that family.

Just as Bhishma chose when to leave this earth according to the boon he received, it seems this mother too decided that she must leave today and departed this earth, as her relatives said.

The karma of that family.

Since Bhagirathi Paatti had an understanding of DNA and was in a position to closely observe that family, she explained the karma present in that family.

In Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s family, the eight karmas operated as waves of virtue and sin continuously. Yet, through the greatness of her noble act of hospitality, this Ammaiyar overcame everything and departed this earth as a virtuous woman, said Paatti.

Surya Karma.

The Surya Karma stars—Ashwini, Ayilyam, Anusham, Poorattadhi—are present in that family.

There are people with administrative skills in that family, and at the same time, there are those who lead the family well. This is a virtuous wave.

In that family, there have been lives where understanding between father and son was lacking.

Moreover, some have voluntarily gone to the hospital for check-ups, only to get caught up in procedures, lose lakhs, and undergo surgeries. This is a sinful wave.

Chandra Karma.

The Chandra Karma stars—Bharani, Magam, Kettai, Uttirattadhi—are present in that family.

There are people in the food business, and Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s eldest son left his office job to sell food items on a small scale. There are those in that family who lovingly guide everyone with understanding. This is a virtuous wave.

In that family, Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s aunt’s husband died of diarrhea. There are those who were submerged in water and saved, as well as those who drowned and died.

Stomach disorders, digestive issues, and heartburn are ailments present in that family. This is a sinful wave.

Sevvai Karma.

The Sevvai Karma stars—Karthikai, Pooram, Moolam, Revathi—are present in that family.

There are those who have prospered in the business of building and selling houses or buying and selling land. People in that family have the fortune of buying and enjoying houses and land. There are those in the police and military in this family. This is a virtuous wave.

There are individuals in that family who live without marrying. There are also those who married late and those who fear marriage, refusing it altogether.

There are people in that family who get angry over everything, to the extent that everyone calls it an angry family. This is a sinful wave.

Budha Karma.

The Budha Karma stars—Rohini, Uttiram, Pooradam—are present in that family.

There are well-educated people in that family. There are those who work in banks. There are those who help with education. There are people who buy necessary equipment for studying children.

Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s eldest daughter excels in astrology. Additionally, there are highly clever and sharp-witted individuals in that family. This is a virtuous wave.

Paralysis, skin problems, nervous weakness, and stammering are physical ailments present in that family. This is the sinful wave of Budha Karma.

Guru Karma.

The Guru Karma stars—Mrigasheersham, Hastam, Uttiradam—are present in this family.

There are teachers, spiritual speakers, devotees excelling in faith, and those who perform Radha Kalyanam in this family.

There are those who guide the family well, ensuring the children grow up disciplined by listening to the elders’ advice. Most children in this family grow up without straying from moral conduct. This is a virtuous wave.

There are those who remain childless after marriage, those who had children late, and those who underwent heart surgery in this family. This is a sinful wave.

Shukra Karma.

The Shukra Karma stars—Thiruvathirai, Chithirai, Thiruvonam—are present in that family.

There are people who live luxuriously and comfortably with an affinity for clothing and jewelry. There are those who traded in diamonds. There are those who work in television stations. There are people who keep pets at home in this family. This is a virtuous wave.

There are women in this family whose married lives did not turn out well. There are mothers-in-law who, unaware that their actions were wrong, treated their daughters-in-law improperly without understanding how to care for them. There are husbands who neglected their wives, failing to treat them with due respect.

Uterine problems and urinary infections are present in this family. Diabetes is a widespread issue in this family. This is a sinful wave.

Shani Karma.

The Shani Karma stars—Punarpoosam, Swathi, Avittam—are present in that family.

There are people who live bound by justice, honesty, and truth in this family. There are many hardworking individuals in this family. There are those who protect and care for the elderly. This family has let the elderly live according to their wishes. There are those who studied law. There are those who work in insurance companies in this family. This is a virtuous wave.

There are children who died at birth. There are those who passed away in middle age without fulfilling their duties to their children. At the same time, there are those who live long lives. Leg problems are present in this family. There are those who suffer without receiving wages commensurate with their labor. This is a sinful wave.

Rahu Karma.

The Rahu Karma stars—Poosam, Visakam, Sadayam—are abundant in this family.

Jobs related to Rahu Karma, such as transportation, electricity, and import-export, are present in this family.

There are those who have gone abroad, gained citizenship, and lived there for a long time in this family. These are virtuous waves.

Cancer, tuberculosis, lung problems, breathing issues, asthma, fatty tumors, and suicides are present in this family.

Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar’s younger aunt, married young, lost her husband before puberty and had to live with her elder aunt. An argument between them led her to hang herself. Because of this, children in that family are born repeatedly under Poosam, Visakam, and Sadayam stars.

Gurumoorthy Iyer’s father’s sister died at the age of six. After performing her ancestral rites once, no further offerings were made in the subsequent years, and due to this, Poosam, Visakam, and Sadayam stars keep recurring in that family. This is the sinful wave of Rahu Karma.

Paatti’s final words.

Annapoorni and her husband. DNA Astrology
Annapoorni. DNA Astrology

If there is at least one person in every family who understands DNA, they can easily comprehend the sinful waves that may arise in that family and take proactive steps to change them.

For example, those born under Rahu Karma, if they notice any lump in their body and seek immediate medical attention, can save themselves from something like cancer. By understanding the aspects of each karma and taking precautions, one can protect themselves, said Paatti. DNA astrology is one hundred percent true, and only those who realize it can safeguard themselves.

Though the virtues and sins of these eight karmas were abundant in that family, Nagalakshmi Ammaiyar easily transcended them all and attained a noble abode in the end. Paatti concluded by saying that treating those who come to the house with hospitality is the essence of Annadanam’s greatness.

Mrs Sudha Natarajan and Mrs Annapoorni. DNA Astrology

Om Shri Ganesharpanam.

You can read more stories on karma by clicking this link

Or, if you would like to get a more broader perspective of karma and how it is related to the universal consciousness, Brahmam, please read this article

If you would like to know more about DNA astrology, please read this article

If you would like to know what karma you have, please use the DNA software here or simple search for DNA Software in Google or type in your browser

Guidelines for using the DNA Astrology software is here

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