karumbu.in is a platform for spiritual aspirants and astrology seekers to find more about themselves and their karmas.

One’s karma is determined using DNA Astrology concepts by giving one’s place of birth, date and time of birth.

What is Karma?

There has been a lot of debates and arguments about what karma means. While each one is entitled to their views, we have attempted to explain karma in simple terms here.

To understand karma better and apply it in our lives, based on our karma charts, understanding the eight karmas as per DNA Astrology is probably a good start. Our DNA software makes it a breeze to determine one’s karma.

We have also attempted to explain karma through compelling short stories to bring about a basic realization and evince some interest in the readers.

For a quick reference of karma associated as per DNA Astrology, see the guidelines here.

To know more about your karma, as per DNA Astrology, generate your own chart here.

You could subscribe to our WhatsApp channel here

  • A little bit about karumbu.in…

    karumbu.in is a platform for spiritual aspirants and astrology seekers to find more about themselves and their karmas. One’s karma is determined using DNA Astrology concepts by giving one’s place of birth, date and time of birth. Vishal Lokeswaran Vishalji is one of the pioneers in DNA Astrology and is an undisputed authority on the…

Vishal Lokeswaran, DNA Astrology Guru

Vishal Lokeswaran

Vishalji is one of the pioneers in DNA Astrology and is an undisputed authority on the subject. His passion to the topic, sincerity, dedication, courage and insights has inspired tens of thousands of students worldwide.

karumbu.in was started based on the inspirations derived from Vishalji’s teachings.

Although Vishalji directly does not contribute to karumbu.in, all the content, software, stories, blog articles are derived from his inspirations!

You could subscribe to Vishalji’s WhatsApp channel by clicking here

Needless to say, karumbu.in takes all blames for any typos, misconceptions that may have cropped it’s way in the articles, blogs, stories; and all credits go to the respective authors and to our Guru Vishal Lokeswaran ji.

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