Karthik works in an IT firm. Everyday morning he used to go to the office regularly and finish his work promptly. Sometimes he would get appreciation from his manager, but many times get chided too. As the days went by, one day he had a severe fever. 

He asked his manager for a sick leave. However, the manager said, “No Karthik, there’s quite a lot of work pending still. Our company reputation would get spoiled if we don’t finish those on time. So, I can’t grant you leave, instead you take work from home”. 

After hearing this, A thought occurred to him. 

“I requested leave only because I’m unwell … .unlike others who take leaves for all kinds of cooked-up reasons. Isn’t the company obliged to grant sick leave, especially when one needs it desperately? Why is he denying?” grumbled Karthik as he continued his work.

“I got what I deserved, for silently working hard all these days!”, continuing to grumble, he reached the bus stop to board the bus to the office. 

“Greetings!”. It was Kumar, his friend, who had come by then. “Karthik, It has been a long time since we met. How are you doing? What are you into these days?”

“Me? Am ok, working in ABC Infotech nearby”, said Karthik.

“Oh, it is quite a big company! How’s the work out there?”, responded Kumar.

“What to say, they don’t even grant leave when I am suffering from fever. What are you up to these days?”, asked Karthik.

“Oh, we recently started a grocery shop and it is turning out to be quite profitable”, proclaimed Kumar.

“I see, but, while you were in college, you had ambitions like going abroad and work for a big company?” asked Karthik

“Yeah, I wanted to. But when I passed out of college, folks at home advised me against going abroad, and instead asked me to start some business locally ”, said Kumar.

“Hmm…then what did you do next?”, asked Karthik eagerly.

“I refused and asked them why they are suddenly advising me on this, especially when I had toiled all these days towards this goal!”

“For that they said that it is based on some astrologer who had apparently said that I have Chandra karma and, moreover, am a “Leo Ascendant”. Going abroad would turn out to be useless to me, it seems.”, continued Kumar.

“Ok, what did you do next?”, asked Karthik

“I didn’t take the astrologer’s advice seriously. I went to America. But, apparently, I couldn’t stay there beyond three years. So, I came back and met the astrologer again. Only post that I got some clarity in life”, said Kumar.

“Oh, looks like fate turned to your favor. So, the astrologer had told good things now?”, asked Karthik.

Kumar denied and said, “I also thought so previously”, But the astrologer seemed to differ – He said, “If you want to know about your fate, this is not the place. I can only show you some guidance for your betterment”. And he continued explaining what kind of troubles I was undergoing and the actual reasons behind the same.

“Not only that, the astrologer said that the technique that he is using now is a new one, which does not predict the future, but rather helps one to know the true reason for one’s birth in this world and what actions would provide true emancipation.”

Karthik quickly responded, “I am also clueless about where my life is headed. Looks like this astrology may turn out to be somewhat useful to me as well!”

“Definitely, it would be useful”, said Kumar.

One more doubt came to Karthik’s mind, he asked, “It’s all fine Kumar, but why the astrologer won’t predict what will happen for me next?”

Kumar responded, “For that you need to understand how this karma astrology came, in the first place”

Karthick eagerly said, “Sure, let me hear that too!”


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