In a village, there lived a renowned saint who travelled to various villages, imparting his wisdom on the laws of karma to those who deserved it. 

The lonely woman

In one such village, there lived an elderly woman who lived all alone with no one to care for her.

Every day, she diligently cooked food, offered it to God, and set aside a portion for herself. She also fed the crows, street dogs, watered the plants and fed the little birds that visited her regularly.

One sunny day, as the saint passed by her house and observed her compassionate actions, he sensed her sadness and inquired about the cause. With tears streaming down her face, she poured out her heart to the saint, recounting the hardships she had endured since losing her husband when her second son was born. Despite her struggles and sacrifices to raise her sons, they had left her alone in her old age to fend for herself.

Falling at the saint’s feet, she beseeched his grace, questioning the purpose of her suffering and the loneliness she endured. The saint, with a gentle smile, lifted her up and began to impart his wisdom on the laws of karma.

The saint bestows his grace

“The great law of karma dictates that whatever we give unto the cosmos, will eventually come back to us, when we need it the most,” he explained.

He assured her that good times would soon come back to her for all the past good deeds. He encouraged her to continue her good deeds without any expectations.

Grateful for the enlightenment she received, the old woman thanked the saint by offering him some fruits. Weeks later, the saint’s words manifested into reality, as her sons returned to the village, now wealthy. They not only repented their mistakes, but also decided to take complete care of their mother. And they lived together with her there after.

A moment to reflect

As the saint continued his journey, the story concludes, leaving the readers to ponder over the significance of self-belief, self-discipline. And the need to express compassion and love towards all.

Dear friends, I hope this story inspires you to reflect for a moment, with gratitude, towards all. And enjoy every moment of your life with more self-awareness.

The cosmos indeed responds to every action of ours, when we need it the most, as rightfully explained by the saint. 

Let’s make this world a better place by choosing the right actions!

If you liked this story, please do leave your esteemed comments in the section below. Thanks!

Hang on for more laws of karma to unfold in this space…

15 responses to “Theory Of Karma – 1”

  1. Renuka Avatar

    Wonderful story and inspiring too ! Waiting for your other stories !

    1. Anitha Thanigaivelan Avatar
      Anitha Thanigaivelan

      Thank you so much for your valuable feedback..🙏

    2. Anitha Thanigaivelan Avatar
      Anitha Thanigaivelan

      Thanks for inspiring us always, do continue to support us with your valuable feedback🙏

  2. செல்வம் கும்பகோணம் Avatar
    செல்வம் கும்பகோணம்

    சென்ற பிறவியில் குழந்தைகளை சரியாக கவனிக்காமல்,உணவளிக்கால் தன்னுடைய கடமையை சரியாக செய்யாமல் இருந்திப்பார், இந்த ஜென்மத்தில் தன் கடமையை செய்ய மனமிருந்தும் அதே அனுபவிக்க அவர் குழந்தைகள் பக்கத்தில் இல்லை தனியாக வாழ்ந்தாலும் தன்னுடைய கர்மாவை எதிர்பார்பின்றி ஜீவராசிகளுக்கு உணவளித்து புன்னியத்தை சேர்த காரணமாக கடைசி காலத்தில் அவர் தன் பிள்ளைகளுடன் வாழும் பாக்கியத்தை பிரபஞ்சம் ஏற்படுத்தி கொடுத்துள்ளது. நன்றி ஐயா

    1. Anitha Thanigaivelan Avatar
      Anitha Thanigaivelan

      உங்கள் பின்னூட்டத்திற்கு நன்றி ஐயா🙏

  3. Anitha Thanigaivelan Avatar
    Anitha Thanigaivelan

    Dear Friends,

    Thank you all for your valuable feedback. Your insights are greatly appreciated, and I’m eager to incorporate your suggestions to ensure the best possible outcome. Please don’t hesitate to share any further thoughts or ideas you may have. Together, let’s strive for excellence.

    Warm regards, Anitha thanigaivelan

  4. Krithikasathis Avatar

    🙏 your story is enlightening the women in the world who are suffering because of loneliness.

    1. Anitha Thanigaivelan Avatar
      Anitha Thanigaivelan

      Thank you for sharing your feedback! I eagerly anticipate your support for my upcoming stories too.

  5. Sailesh.v Avatar

    *Newton’s third law is being proven in all times in all every situations that we face called as karma and a tool used to measure all karmic balances is my view towards DNA astrology.
    *compassion towards the people in the area in which we have our karmas doing things positively will uplift us and a tool which may connect our good things and receive blessings to society is done by a mysterious man. As the story tells let us do good things without calculations and expectations.
    Thank you Anitha

    1. Anitha Thanigaivelan Avatar
      Anitha Thanigaivelan

      Thanks for your valuable feedback.🙏

  6. S.B.Gita Avatar

    Inspiring story! Well done and looking forward to more such posts from you!

    1. Anitha Thanigaivelan Avatar
      Anitha Thanigaivelan

      Thanks ma, your feedback are helping us work on better ideas🙏.

  7. Subhashini sriram Avatar
    Subhashini sriram

    Lovely 😊. Very interesting read . Stay blessed

    1. Anitha Thanigaivelan Avatar
      Anitha Thanigaivelan

      thank you so much ma’am, looking forward for your support for upcoming stories.

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