Category: Blogs

Relationship Psychology

The front and rear legs of a horse help each other to run fast. They…

Swami Raghavendra.

Sep 2010. My health was deteriorating. Earlier, my body needed transfusions every 1 or two…

Know your ‘vengayam’ – an introduction.

My heartfelt gratitude to for providing this platform to voice my experiences. Past: Have…

Near Death Experience (NDE).

Oct 2011: It was three days after surgery. I woke up in pain. All I…

Kural–The ‘NOCringe’ Connect:2

The GOD-ly Quest Kural - 702 One of the most famous intellectual reference to God…

🔱குலதெய்வ போற்றி🔱

ஶ்ரீ அருள்மிகு அத்தனூர் அம்மனே துணை ! ஶ்ரீ அருள்மிகு அத்தாயி அம்மனே துணை ! எம் குலம் காக்கும்…

Happiness is a habit

All of us humans have an innate desire to be happy. Happiness is not the…

Kural – The ‘NOCringe’ Connect

‘Tamil or Thamizh' is not just a language. In countries like Mauritius, Malaysia, Fiji and…

Meaning of Karma in simple words!

[flexy_breadcrumb] Who hasn't heard of the word “karma”? – Nowadays it has become a common…

Talk Sweetly, Talk Gently…

[flexy_breadcrumb] What should you do when someone confronts you directly. Well, Mahatma Gandhiji used to…