Many of us would have often wondered, what does “Karma” mean? And how does it affect our life? Read on to know more about karma…
The concept of karma record applies solely to humans and not to other beings, whether they possess a single sense or up to five senses. This is because such beings lack the ability to discern what is good and what is bad. They merely consume what we provide and roam about until their time on earth is over, after which they pass away. Hence, they are not subject to a karma record; this is unique to humans.
Humans, however, possess the intellect to analyze what is right and what is wrong. Only humans have the conscience to question whether they act in alignment with their moral compass or in opposition to it. Additionally, the presence of qualities like desire, anger, greed, delusion, pride, and jealousy, as well as individual expectations from others, makes humans alone bear the burden of the karma record.
Ways in which Karma Manifests
Karma manifests itself in three Ways for a Human Being
- Through a person’s thoughts.
- Through a person’s words.
- Through a person’s actions.
Karma is imprinted for a human being in all these three ways.
Through Thoughts
When we think positively or negatively about someone, it is recorded as karma based on the underlying intention of that thought. This karma, whether good or bad, will be carried forward to subsequent generations accordingly.
Through Words
When we speak about someone—either praising or criticizing, blessing or cursing—it creates karma based on the underlying intention of those words. This karma, whether positive or negative, will manifest in subsequent generations. Praising someone generates positive vibrations, while criticising creates negative vibrations, both of which are carried forward to future generations.
Through Actions
The actions we perform, if they benefit someone and bring them satisfaction, generate positive vibrations. At the same time, if our actions cause harm to someone, they generate negative vibrations. These actions, depending on the karma underlying them, will be carried forward to subsequent generations as either virtuous karma or sinful karma.
Types of Karma:
Among the nine planets (Navagrahas), the planet Ketu is not associated with karma. Ketu represents liberation (moksha), which signifies a state beyond birth and death. Therefore, the planet Ketu does not carry any karmic records.
Eight Types of Karma
Karmas are broadly classified into eight types:
- Surya Karma (Sun Karma)
- Chandra Karma (Moon Karma)
- Sevvai Karma (Mars Karma)
- Budhan Karma (Mercury Karma)
- Guru Karma (Jupiter Karma)
- Sukran Karma (Venus Karma)
- Sani Karma (Saturn Karma)
- Rahu Karma
Thus, karmas are categorized into eight types.
A person must endure and transcend the karmic consequences of their own actions based on what they have done. We should not enter into someone else’s karma or bear the results of their karmic deeds. For example, when someone shares their hardships with us, we should listen to them and then detach ourselves from the matter. However, some people, while listening to another’s suffering, visualize the pain they are going through and deeply empathize with it. This act of mentally immersing oneself in their pain amounts to entering their karmic realm, bearing their karmic burden, and trying to free them from it. This is incorrect. Each person must experience and resolve their own karmic records.
Similarly, whether we know something about a person or not, when we gossip about them in their absence, the sinful karma of the person we talk about gets transferred to us. As a result, they are freed from their sinful karmic record. Therefore, those who have the habit of gossiping end up bearing the sinful karmic records of others.
An example of Surya Karma
When a student in a family studies well, becomes an excellent doctor, and earns a good income, they might decide to dedicate one day to providing free medical care to the needy. Acting on such a thought creates positive vibrations of Surya Karma, which will benefit future generations. Additionally, all the blessings from the people who received free treatment will also enrich the family. When such blessings are received, and if their ancestors had built a hospital and provided medical care, the children in this generation may also become doctors. They might build four hospitals and live with the reputation of being skilled and compassionate doctors. This is an example of positive vibrations of Surya Karma.
At the same time, if the doctor uses the education they obtained with great effort and expense solely for earning money and against their conscience manipulates patients—such as someone coming with a simple headache—by insisting on unnecessary tests using the equipment in their hospital, thereby causing undue financial burden and suffering to the patients, this creates negative vibrations of Surya Karma. These vibrations will be carried forward to future generations. In such cases, in the next generations, another doctor may emerge in the family who, like this one, exploits patients under the guise of treatment and uses the wealth amassed through unfair means to build hospitals and live luxuriously. However, these negative vibrations will eventually result in future generations facing problems such as the closure of these hospitals or the cessation of the medical profession in the family altogether. This is an example of the negative vibrations of Surya Karma.
An example of Chandra Karma.
Let us consider a milk vendor who earns his livelihood with a cow. If he adulterates the milk obtained from the cow by adding water and sells it for profit, this creates sinful karma. In future generations, under the influence of Chandra Karma, the children may face difficulties where they cannot even sustain the milk business. Additionally, they may suffer from stomach ailments, food poisoning, and intestinal issues. This is an example of the negative vibrations of Chandra Karma.
At the same time, if the milk vendor sells the milk honestly, thinking, “I have a family and children to support, and I must make a living. I will provide this milk in its pure form without adding water and charge a reasonable price accordingly,” and earns his income with integrity, it creates positive vibrations of Chandra Karma. In future generations, under the influence of Chandra Karma, the children may prosper. If he made a living with just one cow, his descendants could rise to the level of managing an entire dairy farm and become successful entrepreneurs. This is an example of the positive vibrations of Chandra Karma.
An example of Sevvai Karma:
If someone desires to buy a piece of land and purchases it through an agent without noticing certain issues with the property, they may later discover those problems and realize that living on the land by building a house is difficult. Following this, if they decide to sell the property through the same agent at a higher price and make a profit, it creates negative vibrations of Sevvai Karma. As a result, in future generations, under the influence of Sevvai Karma, the children in that family may be deprived of assets like houses, land, and property. They may also fail to secure a good job with a decent income. Furthermore, when they reach the age of marriage, they might develop rigid preferences and insist that their marriage must happen in a particular way. This obstinacy could lead to them delaying their marriage or, in some cases, never marrying at all, eventually living a solitary life. This is an example of the negative vibrations of Sevvai Karma.
At the same time, if someone buys a piece of land through an agent and later realizes that the property has some issues, they resolve those issues to make the property suitable for immediate construction and habitation. If they then sell the property through the same agent or directly and earn an income from it, this generates positive vibrations of Sevvai Karma. These positive vibrations ensure that in future generations, under the influence of Sevvai Karma, their children will have easy access to houses, land, and property. At the same time, they will secure good jobs with decent incomes. Furthermore, when the time for marriage comes, they will have a change of mindset, recognizing the importance of marrying at the right time. This positive change will enable them to marry promptly. This is an example of the positive vibrations of Sevvai Karma.
An example of Budhan Karma:
For a person, Budhan Karma depends entirely on how they utilize their intelligence.
If someone visits a bank and encounters an uneducated individual who requests assistance in filling out a form, and the person responds by saying, “I’ll help you after I complete my own work,” and indeed fulfills that promise by assisting them, they receive blessings from the individual and bring happiness to them. This act generates positive vibrations of Budhan Karma at that moment. These positive vibrations can manifest in future generations, where children born under the influence of Budhan Karma will excel in academics and secure jobs in fields like banking and postal services. Furthermore, let’s consider a person selling simple items like pens. The positive vibrations from such good deeds can gradually elevate them to higher levels, enabling them to transition into large-scale trading of such products. This is an example of the positive vibrations of Budhan Karma.
At the same time, if the person scolds the one seeking help by asking questions like, “Why do you, an uneducated person, need a bank account?” and refuses to assist them, focusing solely on their own work and leaving the place, such behavior generates negative vibrations of Budhan Karma. These negative vibrations, when carried forward to future generations, can result in children being born under the influence of Budhan Karma, who may struggle even to complete their education. At the same time, they will not be able to secure good jobs in reputable places, nor will they succeed in establishing any personal business. Additionally, they may face various physical ailments, such as paralysis, nerve weakness, and skin diseases. This is an example of the negative vibrations of Budhan Karma.
An example of Guru Karma:
A woman, after her marriage, wishes to spend many joyful days with her husband before thinking about having children. However, she conceives but considers the child as an obstacle to her enjoyable life and decides to terminate the pregnancy. If this happens, it generates the negative vibrations of Guru Karma within that family. These vibrations, when carried to future generations, result in children being born under the influence of Guru Karma. For such children, when the time for marriage comes, they may face delays in conceiving children after marriage or may even remain childless. The very thing they rejected might become something they long for but cannot have. This is how Guru Karma manifests as negative vibrations. To counteract this, the family can care for the children of relatives or neighbors as a form of penance, which gradually reduces the negative impact of Guru Karma. This is an example of the negative vibrations of Guru Karma.
At the same time, if the woman, despite her wish to lead a joyful life, joyfully accepts the arrival of a child, gives birth to the child properly, raises the child well, and fulfills her duties by getting the child married into a good family, it generates positive vibrations of Guru Karma within that family. These positive vibrations ensure that in future generations, children born under the influence of Guru Karma will conceive children soon after their marriage without delays. This is an example of the positive vibrations of Guru Karma.
An example of Sukran Karma:
If, in a family, after arranging a marriage for their son and welcoming a daughter-in-law into the house, the family does not treat her well, makes her life difficult, and causes her mental distress by not allowing her to live happily with her husband, it generates negative vibrations of Sukran Karma. These vibrations affect future generations, leading to children born under the influence of Sukran Karma, who may face difficulties in their married lives. The root cause is that these children may lack the mindset to respect women. Additionally, they may miss out on a comfortable life, including access to fine clothing, jewelry, and other luxuries. This is an example of the negative vibrations of Sukran Karma.
At the same time, if a woman, after arranging a marriage for her son, ensures that the daughter-in-law is treated well, lives happily with her husband, and is cared for with joy and respect, it generates positive vibrations of Sukran Karma. These positive vibrations influence future generations, resulting in children born under the effect of Sukran Karma enjoying a harmonious married life. In such families, women will be treated with respect, and they will also have access to fine clothing, jewelry, and other luxuries in abundance. This is an example of the positive vibrations of Sukran Karma.
You can read about how planet Sukran is associated with Kula Deivam through a story, here
If you are interested in Kula deivam potri, please check this out
An example of Sani Karma:
When it comes to menial laborers, Sani Karma starts to operate. For example, those who engage in cleaning jobs are usually influenced by Sani Karma. If a sanitation worker asks for drinking water and is told, “Drink from the tap outside,” and that tap is meant for external use and not suitable for drinking, but they quench their thirst with that salty water, it generates negative vibrations of Sani Karma. This negative karma can manifest in future generations, where children born under Sani Karma may not secure good jobs. Even if they do, they might not receive fair wages for their hard work. Moreover, while their colleagues may climb the ranks with promotions and salary hikes, these individuals, despite their significant efforts, will remain underpaid. Even when they request a fair increase, they will struggle to receive wages proportional to their work. This is an example of the negative vibrations of Sani Karma.
At the same time, if sanitation workers ask for drinking water, we should offer them the same water we drink. Doing so will bring them happiness. If they do not have a container to carry the water, and we offer it in a container we have without making a fuss, it will delight them. The container we provide may serve them for a while, and every time they use it, they will remember us with gratitude and blessings. Such blessings create positive vibrations for us. By acting in this manner, positive vibrations of Sani Karma are generated at that moment, and in future generations, children born under Sani Karma will be willing to work hard in their lives. If these children feel they are not receiving fair wages for their work, they will have the courage to demand a salary increase. If denied, they might firmly state, “I will only work if I receive this wage,” instilling fear in their employers. This is because hardworking individuals influenced by Sani Karma are rare to find. Consequently, their employers will hesitate to dismiss them, ensuring that they receive fair compensation for their work. As a result, they will continue to progress step by step in their careers, all through their hard work. This is an example of the positive vibrations of Sani Karma.
An example of Rahu Karma:
If someone travels to a place in a vehicle with a driver and, during the journey, focuses solely on their own needs—eating snacks or meals without offering food to the driver or even considering their well-being—and if, at night, they stay at a comfortable lodging for themselves while leaving the driver to sleep in the vehicle, this behavior generates negative vibrations of Rahu Karma. These negative vibrations can manifest in future generations, where children born under Rahu Karma may have weak immunity, face respiratory problems, suffer from asthma, brittle bone disease, or even cancer. Additionally, they might encounter frequent accidents, sometimes leading to fatal outcomes. This is an example of the negative vibrations of Rahu Karma.
At the same time, if someone undertakes a journey by hiring a vehicle and ensures that the driver is well taken care of—for instance, offering them food when they eat and, if staying overnight, arranging a room for the driver just as they arrange one for themselves, allowing the driver to rest comfortably—this generates positive vibrations of Rahu Karma. When such positive vibrations occur, future generations born under Rahu Karma will enjoy good health and be free from illnesses typically associated with Rahu Karma. Furthermore, the universe will provide proactive protection for them, ensuring that such diseases do not affect them. Additionally, even if accidents occur, they will escape unharmed with ease. This is an example of the positive vibrations of Rahu Karma.
You can read more about Rahu karma and how it is related to our ancestors here
Every individual carries these eight types of karma solely through their thoughts, words, and actions. Therefore, we must exercise caution and mindfulness in our thoughts, words, and actions.
Karma and Stars
Let us now look at which stars are associated with which karmic records.
Ashwini, Ayilyam, Anusham, Poorattadhi are associated with Surya Karma.
Bharani, Magham, Kettai, Uttirattadhi are associated with Chandra Karma.
Karthigai, Pooram, Moolam, Revathi are associated with Sevvai Karma.
Rohini, Uttiram, Pooradam are associated with Budhan Karma.
Mrigasirisha, Hastam, Uttiradam are associated with Guru Karma.
Thiruvathirai, Chithirai, Thiruvonam are associated with Sukran Karma.
Punarpoosam, Swathi, Avittam are associated with Sani Karma.
Poosam, Visakam, Sadhayam are associated with Rahu Karma.
All 27 stars fall under these eight types of karma. By analyzing a child’s horoscope, one can identify which karmic record corresponds to the star under which the child is born. If a child is born under any of these 27 stars, whether as their Rasi Nakshatra, the star where the Lagna (ascendant) point is placed, or the star where the lord of the Lagna is situated, it signifies that the child is born under the karmic record associated with that star. You can determine which karmic record governs your child’s birth star by referring to their horoscope.
To learn about your child’s horoscope details, including the birth star, the star where the Lagna (ascendant) point is placed, and the star where the lord of the Lagna is situated, and to determine which karmic record they fall under, the simplest way is!
You can log in to Google and visit the website By selecting the appropriate option and uploading the horoscope details, you can easily access your child’s horoscope information. This website is based on the principles of DNA astrology, offering a remarkable way to understand your child’s horoscope details.
Just as we save money in banks for our children and pass it on to the next generation, and just as properties like houses, land, and assets are handed down to them, in the same way, every karmic record we create in our lives—whether positive or negative—also gets passed on to our descendants. Just as material possessions reach our next generation, so do the effects of our karmic records. Therefore, we must constantly remind ourselves to pass on only good deeds to our future generations, ensuring a positive legacy for them.
Simply put, if our thoughts, words, and actions bring joy to someone, they create positive karmic records for us. On the other hand, if they cause suffering to others, they generate negative karmic records. These karmic effects, whether positive or negative, are naturally passed on to our future generations by the universe. Our descendants will inevitably inherit these and must endure them to overcome their impact. Therefore, let us strive to do good deeds and pass on positivity to our future generations. Live and prosper!
You can read more stories on karma by clicking this link
Or, if you would like to get a more broader perspective of karma and how it is related to the universal consciousness, Brahmam, please read this article
If you would like to know more about DNA astrology, please read this article
If you would like to know what karma you have, please use the DNA software here or simple search for DNA Software in Google or type in your browser
Guidelines for using the DNA Astrology software is here

If you would like to get a deeper understanding of karma, we encourage you to listen to the tamil audio stories in the above blogs or simply read the english or tamil versions of the story in the respective blogs.
And please do drop a note or two to us in the comments section of the blogs that you enjoyed reading!
Mrs Sudha Natarajan